know about mental health
Be educated about what you or someone know may be going through regarding their mental well-being.
Provided below are websites we have found to provide trusted information on mental health conditions, disorders, medications, and numerous other resources.

healthy place
for your mental health
Healthy Place is the largest consumer mental health site, providing trusted information on mental health disorders and psychiatric medications from both a consumer and expert point of view. They have online psychological tests, breaking mental health news, mental health videos, unique tools like our “mood journal” and more.

Mental Health
Mental Health America (MHA) launched their online screening program aimed at providing a collection of online, free, confidential, anonymous, and validated screening tools to help individuals understand and learn more about their mental health.

How To Take Care of Yourself and How To Help. Suicide is the second leading cause of death for young people between 10 to 24. Sometimes your struggle can be underestimated because of your age. But we hear you, and help is available.

you matter
never give up
You Matter is a movement to spread the word that your problems, your worries, your fears, and above all you—unique and real you—matter. And because just about everyone—at some point—hits the wall, we’re here to help.